Making false positives irrelevant with AI agents
Making false positives irrelevant with AI agents
Making false positives irrelevant with AI agents
For years, financial institutions have struggled with the burden of false positives focusing on strategies aimed at reducing them. But what if the entire model shifted? Instead of futile attempts to tune screening tools to reduce false positives, AI Agents can now make false positives irrelevant by handling the alert review workload at scale.
This session will explore how AI Agents are transforming financial crime compliance by not just triaging alerts but actually doing the work of human analysts. These AI agents can review and disposition alerts; make decisions about the escalation or closure of cases; and conduct searches, gather data, and record evidence from a variety of systems with the same rigor and intelligence as compliance teams—only faster, more efficiently, and with richer narratives. As a result, compliance teams can move beyond false positive reduction exercises and instead focus on strategic risk management and real high-risk alerts.