AML & KYC Theatre

Exploring the hottest topics in AML/KYC

Institutions must improve their AML framework and technologies to combat emerging risks to ensure a secure future as money launderers, terrorists, and other criminal organisations carry out endless attacks. Recognize common pitfalls and problem areas to avoid, and fortify your KYC screening processes to prevent criminal activity. 

Synergies Between AML & ESG

Taking Forward a Successful Convergence of AML/AFC & ESG Compliance Program  

Through their KYC, transaction monitoring, sanctions screening, and SAR filing processes, institutions must start focusing on more rigorously identifying and aiding in mitigating or preventing environmental, social, and governance illicit activity.  

Counter-Terrorist Financing 

Counter-Terrorist Financing: Conflict in the Middle East 

Ensure your organisation is remaining vigilant in the face of criminals who are looking to launder money to terrorist groups by hearing about the latest tactics to identify and tackle suspicious activity. 

Money Mules

Uncover the Mule Activity in your Organisation 

Hear from our expert speakers on the latest findings for money mule activity in the region and learn the latest strategies and technological innovations available to help you catch bad actors. 

Review the AML Package 

How will AMLA Improve the Fight Against Money Laundering? 

What better place to learn about the European Parliament’s AML package than the heart of the European Parliament itself! Discuss the impact AMLA will have on existing capabilities to combat money laundering and terrorist financing and discover how you can adapt your operations to enhance your abilities in this area. 

Sanctions Evasion 

Raising the Threshold in Mitigating Money Laundering and Sanctions Risks in Trade and Proliferation Finance 

As the geopolitical landscape continues to change, and existing sanctions regulation is upgraded due to international pressure, it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest detection capabilities. Learn how you can identify mule accounts and other techniques bad actors are using to subvert sanctions. 

Explore the other theatres

Main Stage

Sanctions, CTA, shell companies and more

Fraud & Cyber theatre

Emerging threats, data management, scams, reimbursements