Main Stage

Exploring the hottest topics in financial crime

We will explore cutting-edge strategies, technologies, and regulations aimed at safeguarding the global financial ecosystem. Join us in the main plenary to delve into the crucial discussions that will shape the future of financial security and compliance.

Next-Gen Collaboration 

The Power of Partnerships in Financial Crime: Potentials and Limits  

Understanding the obstacles, challenges and conflicting priorities in PPP. Complementing centralised transaction analysis to effectively scale up and tackle the increasing scope and complexity of money laundering and terrorist financing. Addressing the promise of preserving privacy in FinCrime data sharing. 

Digital Euro 

Implementation Stage of a Centralised Digital Currency for the EU 

Hear from those working on the digital euro scheme about their latest progress in preparing for the roll-out of a digital euro and discuss how this will impact traditional FI’s in the EU

Romance Scams

Learning from a Victim’s Perspective 

Hear from a high-profile victim of an extensive romance scam network about their experience, and how FI’s can improve their ability to work with consumers to reduce stigma and prevent losses through education. 

Explore the other theatres

AML & KYC theatre

STR Filings, Digital Identities, Blockchain and more

Fraud & Cybersecurity theatre

Emerging threats, data management, scams, reimbursements