Main Stage

Exploring the hottest topics in financial crime

In a rapidly evolving landscape, institutions must adapt swiftly. Foster collective action to curb financial crime, including combating money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud, and emerging threats effectively.

We will explore cutting-edge strategies, technologies, and regulations aimed at safeguarding the global financial ecosystem. Join us in the main plenary to dig into the crucial discussions that will shape the future of financial crime and compliance from leaders across Southeast Asia.

Navigating Cultural Shifts in Risk Management and Compliance

Examining the critical intersection of risk management and corporate culture within organisations. Cultivating a culture of risk awareness and compliance, where employees at all levels understand and embrace their roles in mitigating risks.

The Future of Digital Asset Landscape

Exploring innovative technologies and regulatory strategies to fortify financial institutions and delve into proactive measures taken to safeguard global economies from illicit financial activities and ensure long-term stability.

Intelligent Automation in Financial Crimes

Understanding current trends, emerging tech, automation, and changing business needs to manage financial crime risks. Review recent regulatory enforcement actions and consider possible compliance approaches. What makes for a great AML compliance program.

Potentials and Limits of Partnerships and Collaboration

Probing obstacles, challenges, and conflicting priorities in PPP, alongside centralized transaction analysis to scale up and combat the expanding scope and complexity of money laundering and terrorist financing. Additionally, addressing privacy preservation in FinCrime data sharing.

Discover the agenda

  1. Main Stage
    5 mins
    • Main Stage
  1. Main Stage
    20 mins
    • Main Stage

    Opening Keynote 

    • The transnational organized crime (TOC) landscape in Southeast Asia has evolved dramatically in recent years.

    • Trafficking in persons for the purpose of forced criminality to commit online scams and financial fraud, particularly occurring in Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and other areas of Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR), and Myanmar, as well as other destination countries (including Malaysia, and the Philippines), has emerged as a new and growing trend. 

    • This presentation will explore the modus operandi of these TOC networks in terms of carrying out scams and fraud, including how victims are recruited, the illicit financial flows, and the role of corruption. 

  1. Main Stage
    20 mins
    • Main Stage
  1. Main Stage
    40 mins
    • Main Stage

    Panel Session

    We will address the obstacles and conflicting priorities in public-private partnerships. The session will also highlight how advanced technologies and new tools are revolutionising the detection and prevention of financial crime. Additionally, the discussion will address the critical balance between effective data sharing and preserving individual privacy, exploring strategies to enhance collaborative efforts while safeguarding sensitive information. 

  1. Main Stage
    20 mins
    • Main Stage


    International trade is key to development and poverty reduction, but countering trade-based money laundering (TBML) is essential for fighting criminal and terrorist activities and ensuring transparent global supply chains. Despite its significance, TBML remains under-documented, and its full impact is hard to measure.

    The ADB, in collaboration with UNODC and five countries, piloted an initiative to create trade-relevant STRs, supported by multi-sector TBML workshops for banks, regulators, customs, and law enforcement. The pilot led to increased identification of potential TBML cases and improved analysis of high-risk goods and trade routes, underscoring the need for effective information-sharing and cooperation across sectors and borders.

  1. Main Stage
    40 mins
    • Main Stage

    Panel Session

    We will analyze the interplay between global AML standards and local regulations, focusing on tailoring frameworks to address regional threats. Discuss challenges in updating AML frameworks and strategies for institutions to overcome these hurdles, highlighting the need for flexible and agile compliance systems to counter emerging financial crimes.

  1. Main Stage
    45 mins
    • Main Stage

    Roundtable Session

    Table 1 - Facilitated by NICE Actimize: Topic to Be Confirmed

    Table 2 - Facilitated by IMTF: Leveraging AI in Transaction Monitoring and Name/Sanctions Screening

    • AI and AML: Love at first sight?

    • Current state of affairs: Experience exchange on the application of AI in AML

    • Generative AI as game changer?

    Table 3 - Facilitated by Finalix: Topic to Be Confirmed


  1. Main Stage
    45 mins
    • Main Stage

    Spotlight Feature Panel Session

    We will address the escalating threat of organized crime syndicates, sophisticated scam operations, and burgeoning cyber fraud networks that are shaping the region's illicit financial flows, and intricately linked to human trafficking, exploitation, and other heinous crimes. Experts will explore the methods and technologies used by these criminal enterprises, assess their impact on businesses and society, and discuss collaborative strategies for effectively combating these complex challenges.

  1. Main Stage
    20 mins
    • Main Stage

    Keynote Closing Presentation

    This presentation will explore how transnational organized crime groups are exploiting social media and communication platforms to facilitate cyber-scam centers and human trafficking operations on a global scale. We'll examine how these criminal networks use online tools to recruit victims, coordinate their activities, and launder illicit profits, often with minimal risk of detection or disruption. The presentation will conclude with key recommendations for financial institutions, law enforcement, private sector companies, and international organizations to combat these evolving cyber-enabled crimes more effectively.

Past speakers


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Explore the other theatres

AML & KYC theatre

AML, CFT, TBML, Transaction Monitoring, Sanctions, SAR, KYC, Beneficial Ownership

Fraud & Cyber theatre

Operational Risks, Cyber Fraud, Forensics, Investigations, Claims, Scams, Analytics, AI & ML