AML & KYC Theatre

Exploring the hottest topics in AML/KYC

Navigate the top challenges compliance teams are facing and what are the best practices for staying compliant in an everchanging regulatory landscape. From best practices for STR filing to streamlining KYC processes, this theatre is perfect for FCC teams. 

Join us in the AML/KYC theatre as we dive into the latest in AML and KYC. Tackling the challenges of STR filing, regulatory compliance and looking at innovations in digital identities and onboarding, this theatre is perfect for compliance teams.  

Best practices for STR filing

Learn how to streamline the STR filling processes to get the most out of your reporting and provide law enforcement with the needed details that will help them apprehend economic criminals with an interactive workshop.

Explore the role of digital identities in fighting economic crime

How digital identities can help FCC teams by creating a more accurate picture of a customer. What challenges can arise when on-boarding through digital channels and how can they be overcome? 

The role of blockchain in KYC

Can blockchain crack the code for safe and efficient data sharing between financial institutions? Explore how blockchain technology can help your KYC teams during on-boarding and where the regulators are in creating frameworks to govern this new technology.

Discover the agenda

  1. AML & KYC theatre
    45 mins
    • AML & KYC theatre

    Panel Session

    • Creating the most accurate picture of a customer with digital identities
    • Can cryptographic credentials mitigate the costs of identifying individuals
    • Navigating the FTAF guidance surrounding the use of digital Ids


  1. AML & KYC theatre
    20 mins
    • AML & KYC theatre
    Best Practice Case Study
  1. AML & KYC theatre
    45 mins
    • AML & KYC theatre


    • How has AML and fraud regulation affected the gaming industry?  

    • Where can we see the convergence? 

    • Is gaming as high risk?  

    • Client on-boarding?  

    • How do the challenges of this industry interact with banks?  

  1. AML & KYC theatre
    30 mins
    • AML & KYC theatre

    Panel Session

    • Is blockchain the answer in secure data sharing between FI's?
    • Ensuring blockchain solutions align with current regulatory standards
    • How can blockchain help the on-boarding process?
  1. AML & KYC theatre
    45 mins
    • AML & KYC theatre


    • Practical ways to change employee behaviour without further investment   

    • Influence anti-financial crime culture and conduct 

    • Understand risk responsibility versus accountability 

  1. AML & KYC theatre
    45 mins
    • AML & KYC theatre


    • Understanding what red flags to look for when auditing for suspicious activity 

Explore the other theatres

Main Stage

Sanctions, CTA, shell companies and more

Fraud & Cyber theatre

Emerging threats, data management, scams, reimbursements