AML & KYC Theatre

Exploring the hottest topics in AML/KYC

Given the complexity of the current anti-financial crime scene, AML professionals are continuously tasked to keep up with new regulatory expectations and technology just to stay compliant. This stream will focus on innovation in transaction monitoring, building long-term AML compliance programs, and utilizing AML automation within the context of an increasingly intense AML and compliance landscape.

Transform Finance brings you leading insights in the latest anti-money laundering and onboarding strategies being used across the region – leverage this knowledge to enhance your detection capabilities and client due diligence processes. 

Money Mules

Hear from our expert speakers on the latest findings for money mule activity in the region and learn the latest strategies and technological innovations available to help you catch bad actors. 

Review the EU's AML Package 

What better place to learn about the European Parliament’s AML package than the heart of the future AMLA HQ itself! Discuss the impact AMLA will have on existing capabilities to combat money laundering and terrorist financing and discover how you can adapt your operations to enhance your abilities in this area. 

Sanctions Evasion

As the geopolitical landscape continues to change, and existing sanctions regulation is upgraded due to international pressure, it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest detection capabilities. Learn how you can identify mule accounts and other techniques bad actors are using to subvert sanctions. 

AML Automation

Maximise your employee’s productivity by striking the right balance between automation and the human touch. Learn from case studies on how automation across different areas of your operations can free up resources to better focus the fight against money laundering. 

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Main Stage

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