Risk & Compliance theatre

Exploring the hottest topics in Risk & Compliance

Transform Finance Frankfurt brings together the most important discussions about the relationship between Risk and Compliance in the banking industry. Providing the platform for understanding the regulatory implications and compliance requirements for professionals in banking, credit, and institutional finance in the EU and DACH regions.

Transform Finance brings you leading insights from risk management professionals from a variety of financial crime backgrounds – leverage this knowledge to fortify your ability to predict and monitor your risk appetite in the face of economic crime.

Risk modelling

Learn the latest and best practices for creating economic risk models that can be easily applied into your other fraud, AML, and other AFC operations to provide insights and lead to better judgement across your organisation in the fight against financial crime. 

Technology Adoption

Hear from senior compliance professionals about how you can adopt the hottest new technological innovations into your operations while ensuring your compliance standards are maintained. Turn the tables on criminals and stop playing catch-up with the adoption of new tech.


Ensure you are meeting your ESG standards throughout your operations. Review the latest trends and social-political developments across the EU and learn from leading figures on how to incorporate these perceptions into your financial crime operations. 

Risk overview

Take a holistic view of the largest economic risks facing financial institutions in the EU in 2024. Compare this to the current economic crime risk factors and identify the threats that pose the biggest risk to your institution. 

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Main Stage

Discussing the latest threats, trends, and regulatory changes across the industry...

AML & KYC theatre

Automation, Transaction Monitoring, Onboarding, CDD, Sanctions, Mules, Data-Sharing and more...

Fraud & Cyber theatre

Behavioural Analysis, APP Fraud, Prevention & Detection Strategies, Scams and more...

Payments theatre

Payment Platforms Integrity, Security, Crypto Regulation, Mule Payments and more...