Fraud & Cyber Theatre

Exploring the hottest topics in Fraud and Cybersecurity

The advancement of fraudulent activities and cyber attacks have kept organizations on their toes as they work to stay ahead of the criminals. Be sure to stay up to date on the biggest trends and challenges in fraud and cyber security as we look to dive into real life case studies and explore the latest scams and threats on the horizon.

Our dedicated fraud and cyber security track will explore the latest threats and scams that organizations find themselves facing when ensuring the protection of information. Join us as we delve into the latest strategies, technologies, and best practices to safeguard your organization against ever-evolving fraudulent challenges as well as the latest cyber threats that can be expected as we move into 2024.

Striking the Right Balance

With the average consumer seeking ease in their financial dealings, there is an added burden of ensuring security when offering digital identification. How can team ensure they are allowing easily usable platforms for consumers while also ensuring their protection?

Cybersecurtity Threatson the Rise

As the majority of organizations begin to rely on technology to perform their daily functions, the openings for cyber criminals to gain access to systems and cause chaos also increases. To stay vigilant against these attacks, stakeholders and institutions need to understand the threats they are facing and the best practices for protecting themselves against them.

Evolving Payment Fraud Trends

Confronting the evolving nature of criminal financial schemes may seem like a daunting task. Consumers’ worldwide adoption of instant, contactless transactions has provided an opportunity for some to take advantage of loopholes and weaknesses in digital systems.

Spot New Scams and Make your customer Aware

Discuss new techniques used by criminals and discover ways to identify and prevent these scams from impacting your customers. Further, enhance your communication process to help customers protect themselves and minimize the risk to your portfolio.

Discover the agenda

  1. Fraud & Cyber theatre
    20 mins
    • Fraud & Cyber theatre
  1. Fraud & Cyber theatre
    40 mins
    • Fraud & Cyber theatre


    • Can increasing visibility of merchant and card holder data in consumer transaction history help decrease first-party misuse?


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Main Stage

Financial Crime Transformation, Compliance Culture, Partnership and Colaboration

AML & KYC theatre

Risks, Cyber Fraud & threats, Investigations, Forensics, Claims