Kevin Newe
Kevin Newe
Kevin Newe
Kevin has more than 16 years’ experience in various illicit finance roles, covering operational and strategy delivery, including managing HMRC’s largest financial investigation team which delivered multi-million pound confiscations, cash forfeitures and established HMRC’s Offender Management and Enforcement Team, ensuring robust oversight of high-harm offenders.
Kevin’s current role is overseeing HMRC’s response to priority IF threats, such as tech-enabled and trade-based money laundering. Kevin is also a FATF assessor, having worked on the Mutual Evaluation Review of the United Arab Emirates. In 2020, alongside The Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units and The Netherlands, Kevin also produced an updated FATF report on trends within trade-based money laundering.
In 2022, Kevin received the Keith Hughes Award for Outstanding Contribution to Excellence and Innovation in Financial Investigation.
18-Mar-2025AML & KYC theatreNew initiatives in mitigating trade enabled financial crime