Sougata Deb
Sougata Deb
Sougata Deb
Sougata is a Consumer Banking and Analytics professional with close to 20 years of experience in Banking and Financial Services. He has worked across marketing, credit risk, collections, operations and fraud strategy functions in various companies such as HSBC, Barclays, Citibank and currently in DBS. In Citibank, Sougata spent 5 years leading the development of fraud detection and prevention solutions for all APAC markets as part of the Regional team for Consumer Banking. His Financial Crime experience spans across transaction fraud, application fraud and identity theft. In DBS, Sougata currently leads the proliferation of hyper-personalized client engagements across channels by leveraging data, technology, ML and Gen-AI as part of the Regional Martech team.
Outside work, Sougata has been an active independent researcher with multiple publications in reputed conferences and journals, including his latest one in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. He also doubled up as an Adjunct Faculty in NUS during 2019-22, teaching master’s students on data science, machine learning and data storytelling.
24-Oct-2024Fraud & Cyber theatreFuture-Proofing Fraud Risks: Innovation and Strategy Integration