Main Stage

Exploring the hottest topics

The main theatre will dive into the hottest topics in Anti-Financial Crime and explore the solutions that top thought leaders are deploying to stay vigilant against bad actors. Join 200+ peers from the East Coast for a mix of interactive panel discussions and expert presentations exploring the latest regulations, innovations, and challenges to gain the knowledge needed for an informed and holistic approach to your financial crime hurdles.

With the regulatory and technological landscape constantly shifting, Financial Crime teams find themselves fighting to stay ahead of bad actors while maintaining compliance with regulations. Arm yourself with the right tools with a full view of all AFC solutions by exploring topics in AI, Anti-Bribery & Corruption, sanctions, and more at the Main Stage. 

Discussing the best practices in AI integration

With artificial intelligence and machine learnings, financial institutions have more opportunity but find themselves facing greater risk. Learn how the top institutions are harnessing the power of AI efficiently to apply actionable insights to your own AI approach.  

Learn what organisations are doing to increase collaboration with FIs  

Session description: Public private partnerships are vital to ensuring a 360 view of the potential risks and threats FI’s may face. Hear from these organisations to learn the latest in how FI’s, law enforcement and organisations can work together and increase transparency at a national level.

Explore the best methods of managing relationships with crypto exchanges 

With banking on its way to becoming a fully digital experience, the need for FI’s to integrate cryptocurrency into their offerings has created questions around the risk around partnering with crypto exchanges. Learn how FI’s are approaching crypto currency and hear the latest from regulatory agencies.

Explore the other theatres

AML & KYC theatre

BSA/AML Act revisions, SARs reporting, Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD), Customer Due Diligence (CDD), pKYC, eKYC

Fraud & Cyber theatre

Covid fraud, third-party data, spoofing, check fraud, scams, reimbursements